
How To Make Affiliate Links

Each link in your chapter system must be created manually. Once the links are created, they can be displayed on your membership site so that affiliates can log in and encounter their own unique referral links.

An affiliate link is a special link that tracks when someone opts in or purchases, and who made the referral. That way, a commission is shared with the affiliate who brought a new customer to your website.

Managing your affiliate marketing plan can exist hard. Yous have to go along rails of all the dissimilar programs, find new affiliates, create links, and track conversions.

An affiliate management system like AccessAlly can assist you streamline your affiliate marketing efforts while taking payments, and delivering online courses and membership programs. Not all chapter link creator programs are created equal, and so proceed reading to find out how to create your affiliate links.

(Click here to see the On-Demand Login tutorial.)

An affiliate link is unique to each affiliate. Commonly, affiliates share their own chapter link on their own site / social media / email promotions.

When the affiliates' readers / followers click on the link, they are redirected to a pre-configured folio, which is often the sales page for the product. (This works differently than a regular redirect because AccessAlly saves a cookie identifying which affiliate sent the traffic.)

Whenever a purchase is made on your AccessAlly site, AccessAlly will check for the cookie and record the affiliate commission accordingly.

(Note: If a customer clicks on multiple affiliate links, the cookie from the most recent one is used.)

After setting up your affiliate tier(s), you can offset creating links for your affiliates to use.

As you create the links (and add them to a page for your affiliates to grab), iii things will happen automatically:

  1. AccessAlly volition display the links dynamically, so each affiliate simply sees their ain unique link
  2. AccessAlly will rail the traffic that comes to the site through the affiliate links
  3. If any orders are placed through traffic that comes from chapter links, AccessAlly will attribute the committee pct to the correct affiliate.

Each affiliate link must be created separately, by going to: AccessAlly > Chapter > Link Setup. Then, click on the navy blue Add new Affiliate Link button.

Screenshot of how to add a new AccessAlly affiliate link

Adjacent, proper name your link something descriptive.

screenshot of how to name an AccessAlly affiliate link

Step iii: Designate Your URL

Now, type in the URL that you would like the link to lead to. Click Salve Changes.

This URL tin can be to ANY website, including websites that do non have AccessAlly installed on them. For example, you could link to your principal website even though you take AccessAlly installed on a subdomain.

screenshot of adding a new affiliate link url

You tin create affiliate links for blog posts, sales pages, opt-in pages, and even a Facebook folio or postal service.

AccessAlly will rails the cookie for the referral partner for the amount of time specified in your affiliate tier settings… and so as long as this person purchases on the aforementioned computer inside this timeframe, the chapter sale will be recorded.

Once your link is saved, you can add it to a page via shortcode. To do this, open upwardly the folio you desire to add the link to (or create a new i, if necessary).

So, employ the AccessAlly shortcode adder to select the correct affiliate link from the dropdown, as in the screenshot below.

AccessAlly shortcode for adding new affiliate links

One time logged in, each affiliate will see their ain unique URL here.

I hope this tutorial answered the question "how to create an affiliate link for my website", using AccessAlly.

How To Make Affiliate Links,


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